About Us



RLP Painting Contractors Ltd was established in the early 1980’s and has developed itself into being a leading contractor in the industrial painting and specialist industrial coatings sector.

The company was formed over 30 years’ ago in the Yorkshire region where the head office still resides but still having the ability to undertake contracts successfully in any location across the UK with a level of service expected from an established company.

Our unrivalled expertise and reputation have been achieved and maintained through the provision of dedicated, knowledgeable and competent managers, supervisors and staff who all work together to deliver excellent customer service.

We continue to strengthen existing customer relationships and develop new contacts and business through recommendations with the ability to offer a flexible service which is adaptable to the changing needs of our customers and client base.

RLP Painting Contractors


In order for us to deliver the best solutions to our customers, we rely on additional skills from our supply chain. This can be in the form of equipment, vehicles and material supplies or from additional trades such as vegetation management companies, re-surfacing contractors and access suppliers who provide us with the safest access solutions.

We work closely with our partners who supply our painting and coating materials to ensure that we provide cost effective products that meet our customers specifications.

We expect our supply chain to adhere to our high standards of customer service and delivery and as such have a robust qualification process which must be successfully completed to allow them access onto our Approved Suppliers List.

RLP Painting Contractors


Communication on the importance of customer commitment is regularly discussed with our employees to ensure they fully understand and deliver on site, the levels of service we pride ourselves on, namely:

Feedback is vital to our company’s continuous improvement therefore we encourage and welcome this from our employees, customers and our supply chain.

Communication on the importance of customer commitment is regularly discussed with our employees to ensure they fully understand and deliver on site, the levels of service we pride ourselves on, namely:

Feedback is vital to our company’s continuous improvement therefore we encourage and welcome this from our employees, customers and our supply chain.


We ensure a personal approach across our company from top to bottom


We are always contactable at any time, day or night


Our employees are punctual, accessible, helpful and knowledgeable


We aim high and deliver all our services to the appropriate professional standards


We are flexible to the ever-changing needs of our customers and adapt to overcome problems as they arise


Excellent customer service is our aim every time